One day, people living with disabilities in Africa will be allowed to exercise their fundamental human rights.

They will be integrated into mainstream schools, economically empowered and accepted in their communities.

We educate the general public which includes, the government, religious centers, schools & students; organisations and parents who do not have children with disabilities about people living with disabilities.

This is done through different means such as: fun programs for kids, publishing storybooks, novels; promoting reading clubs in schools, writing articles in the media, radio shows, documentaries, stage plays; trainings & seminars and having meaningful conversations with all stakeholders.

Our Initiatives


Things you should know about

Cerebral Palsy

30 days in Hungary​

Three years ago, I read a book written by a mum who has a son with cerebral palsy. She wrote about her experience as a mother and about her son who couldn’t walk initially but eventually walked. In her book, she wrote that she travelled to Hungary with her son so he could attend Peto Institute.

Books By Bukola

Naked and not Ashamed


Peter is Different

My name is Nimi

2021 Impact Assessment Report

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