Day 16 (29.07.17) Saturday

What an enjoyable morning. We were not in a hurry to leave the house; we all slept in. I had decided to go for the wedding. Who knows, I may never get another opportunity to attend an Hungarian wedding. Have you ever packed for a trip and you looked at some clothes and you thought […]

Day 15 (28.07.17) Friday

The first thing Pemmy said when she woke up at 6am, ‘Mummy, I want my daddy.’ Before LOA left for home, Pemmy would always insist that he must bathe her. So, this morning she insisted I bathe her. While bathing her she kept saying, daddy doesn’t do this or daddy does it this way. I […]

Day 13 (26.07.17) Wednesday

Hungarians love beer. When I visited Paris some years back, I realized that the French love (in order of priority) smoking then public display of affection (PDA-kissing and smooching in public) Okay so for the French, smoking and PDA will tie for first position then drinking beer, second position. Maybe it’s their weather, right? They […]

Day 12 (25.07.17) Tuesday night

We got to the boat cruise at 9pm. LOA had studied the map so well so we knew which train to take and also alternative routes, just in case…We couldn’t afford to get stranded before midnight. The long queue we met at the harbor was like none I had seen on this trip. It was […]

Day 12 (25.07.17) Tuesday afternoon

When we got back to the hotel after Nimmy’s therapy, I had just an hour before leaving for the send forth party. Actually, Nayo was going back to England with three of her children only leaving behind the person who came for the therapy, Katouche (who is an undergraduate of History and also a professional […]

Day 12 (25.07.17) Tuesday Morning

The weather focus said it was going to rain today so we dressed up with that in mind. When we stepped out of the hotel building, a strong cold wind blew in our direction; Pemmy looked up to me and said, ‘mummy, it’s windy’(ahahah, oloyinbo). As we entered the train, we noticed that the usual […]

Day 11 (24.07.17) Monday

The first thing that came to my mind this morning was ‘dollar has fallen’. I don’t know about you but when my husband and I get to a different country, we don’t change all our money at once; especially in countries like this. When we arrived in Hungary, we changed a few dollars at the […]

Day 10 (23.07.17) Sunday

Nimmy didn’t sleep well throughout the night but she still woke up few minutes before 7am. We all showered and had breakfast. Breakfast was brown honey beans and fried plantain with a cup of cappuccino for hubby and I. We joined Daystar online church and watched a lovely service with Rev Sam Adeyemi. By 11am […]

Day 9 (22.07.17) Saturday

Our city tour continued by 11am today. When we got to Szent Istvan to board the hop on- hop off bus, we met a black guy by the bus. As soon as we heard him speakt, we knew he was a Nigerian. As we walked into the bus we said hello to him and he […]

Day 8- (21.07.17) Friday

I decided I was going to wear Ankara for the day. Then I noticed my hubby also brought out his native buba and sokoto (trousers) so I changed the children’s clothes too. I had made some native wears for them for the trip. I brought out yellow dry lace blouse with yellow and grey patterned […]

Day 7 (20.07.17) Thursday

In the morning, after we boarded the train, no one got up for Peace (Nimmy’s nanny) even though she was carrying Nimmy and holding on to a pole to stabilize herself. In fact, one lady saw us and covered her face with a newspaper. After three more stops some seats became vacant and we all […]

Day 6-(19.07.17) Wednesday

This morning on the train I stood close to the door as I had nowhere to sit. At another stop, a gentle looking black lady came in. She stood next to me. I didn’t say anything even though I am always curious when I stand beside a black person. I usually wander where they are […]